Thursday 11 August 2011

U is for . . .

Unlucky. Unhappy. Unbelievable!
Mostly it’s for U-bolt, which apparently sheared off this morning on Coh Karek’s deck, causing the crew to retire. Ach!
The weather was meant to be a little wet, a bit windy, and very grey. The crew gathered this morning here and talked who would trim, nav, man the foredeck, etc—and a full contingent of sailors—seven in all—were ready. The text came in from Tim about 80 minutes after the start—my first thoughts were . . . unprintable. I am now just awaiting their return and to see if she can sail tomorrow, the last day of racing for Cowes Week.
Small consolation, but the time to stroll the Parade and spend time in Cowes off the boat was nice for the crew yesterday—The two Tims and I walked down to see the Extreme Sailing, only to find that the wind was too strong and gusty for the catamarans to compete—the first time in history that a race has been cancelled. They’ve postponed for today until 4:30 pm, hoping to get in some races.

Last night was fun—a stroll to the Royal Yacht Squadron, all of use decked out in our best kit, to sip Pimm’s / wine and rub elbows with the Commodore and the other members of the Royal Ocean Racing Club. It was a bit chilly last night; while we started outside (as the photo below shows), we eventually moved under the tent to chat with some of the other sailors. There was music, but no dancing this time—too many others inside, and, this year the quartet was outside! No matter; we enjoyed chatting and taking in the lovely view of the Solent from the RYS garden—it is quite lovely and well maintained, though you only get to see it if you are on the grounds.
Tim's brother, Dom, Dave, Tim, Tim's brother, me, Tim E

Afterwards we went for a delicious Thai meal just steps away, a large table in their enclosed garden area.  Less talk about sailing and more about life and work—even sailors have their limit to how much they can talk boats, it seems!
Tonight we head over to Shepard’s Wharf to queue for one of the coveted 500 Mount Gay Rum red caps, a free rum ‘n coke, and another chance to catch up with sailors on other crews. Tim’s crew seems amazingly resilient—even after a disappointing day I expect they’ll be ready to catch a bit more of the Cowes night life. Let’s hope for the best for tomorrow!

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